
Alexei Build & Guide
RankTier 3
Physical ATK1434
Physical DEF573
Magic ATK1002
Magic DEF407
TitleIce Wild Bear
FactionDrifter, Aggression
JapaneseYoshimasa Hosoya
ChineseHu Yi

Alexei Build and Guide

Acting leader of the Silver Wolf Mercenaries, disciple of Agata, and a Bear Warrior with both passion and talent.

Alexei is a Lucia warrior who has been tempered in harsh climates and rigorous training. He is courageous, loyal, admires the strong, and hopes to learn from the strong. After taking over the Silver Wolf Mercenaries, he lived up to the trust, demonstrated excellent leadership skills, and gained valuable growth experience. He can use the powerful Bear form in battle, but he can’t maintain it for as long as Agata, so Alexei feels inferior to this.

Under the handsome and heroic and oppressive appearance, he is a shy big boy.

TraitInitial Skill
Bear Bloodline
Brutebear Blood
Alexei becomes immune to [🛇Resolve]. His ATK is increased by 20% and the ignores the effects of [Frosty] tiles.
Alexei possesses [Unlimited Resolve] until the start of the next 2 turns, dispelling 2 [debuffs] and gains [Toughness]. His [Trait] attribute bonuses double. This effect has a CD of 7 turns and cannot be dispelled or immunized.
Whirlwind Axe
Whirlwind Axe
(Physical DMG) Alexei deals 90% DMG to all enemies within 2 tiles around himself. Every enemy defeated by this skill reduces the CD of the [Trait] effect by 1 turn.

Alexei Skill Tree

Fight to the Death
Fight to the Death
(Passive) When [Dying], increases ATK and DEF by 20%.
Level 1 SkillLeg Slam
Leg Slam
(Physical DMG) Deals 120% DMG, knocks the target back by 2 tiles, and inflicts [▼Move 1] for 1 turn.
Wild Roar
Wild Howl
(Piercing DMG) Alexei deals DMG equal to 40% of his M.ATK and inflicts [▼Move 2] and [▼ATK 3] to all enemies within a 3-tile radius of him, lasting for 2 turns.
Level 3 Skillburn one's boats
Burning Bridges
(Physical DMG) Single-target attack Deals 150% DMG. Before attacking, gains [Offensive Stance] for 2 turns.
(Reaction) When hit by an active attack, the DMG taken is decreased by 8%. Upon receiving an active attack, inflicts [Vulnerable 2] on the attacker for 2 turns.
ReactionThe Bear Strikes Back
Brutebear Counter
(Reaction) Performs a [Strike Back] when hit by an active attack from the [front or side], dealing 70% physical DMG to the attacker. The effect can be activated up to 2 times per round.
Bloodthirsty Battle Axe
(Passive) After being attacked, gains [Goredrinker] for 2 turns.
Level 7 SkillIcefield Fury
Anger of Icefield
(Physical DMG) Alexei selects 1 enemy within a cross-shaped range to charge at, deals 50% DMG, and inflicts [Stunned] for 1 turn. Additionally, he deals 50% [Ice] [Area DMG] to all enemies within 2 tiles around the target. After attacking, he gains [Warrior of Frost] for 2 turns.
Frost Strike
Ice Attack
(Basic Attack) Deals 100% physical DMG and inflicts [▼Move 1] on [Healthy] targets, lasting for 1 turn.
Level 9 AttackFurious Slash
Frenzied Slash
(Basic Attack) Deals 110% DMG. If the target is defeated, the character recovers 1 NRG.
(Passive) Takes [Physical Attacks] for all other allies within a 2-tile radius of the character. When triggered, DEF is increased by 20%. Can be activated up to 1 time per round.
Level 11 SkillCounterattack Storm
Counterattack Storm
(Support) The character’s Strike Back Range is increased by 2 tiles. When performing a Strike Back, physical DMG is increased by 85%, and the character gains 1 Strike Back Count and [Counterattack]. This effect lasts for 2 turns.

Recommended Gear

Feast AxeCornucopia AxeHollow AxeTuning HammerBalanced Heavy Axe
Mystery GuardianCrystal Burst ArmorFancy HatCooling PowderEvergreen Fall
The Devil's TemptationMagician's DreamThe Silence of the HermitThe destruction of the towerA just verdict

Recommended Skills

Fight to the DeathWild RoarThe Bear Strikes Back
Bloodthirsty Battle AxeFurious SlashCounterattack Storm
Optional:Icefield Fury