
Auguste Build & Guide
RankTier 0
Physical ATK1497
Physical DEF593
Magic ATK1059
Magic DEF407
TitleKnight Leader
FactionThe Union, Aggression
JapaneseShow Hayami
ChineseChen Haotian


A knight directly under the Knights’ Council, a cold, ruthless, powerful, oppressive one-eyed knight who holds the incomplete God’s Wrath Sword Gram.

August was born into a branch of a famous knight family. With his own efforts, he was once a young talent who was expected to become a holy knight. However, he ruined his future after a mission failed. No one knows the real reason why the blade in his hand is incomplete and one eye is blind, but only knows that he has become numb and ruthless.

After the Tide Surge incident, he was ordered to lead the advance knight group to Ilia and announced that Tide Surge would be placed under the protection of the Knight Alliance.

TraitInitial Skills
God's Wrath Sword
God’s Wrath Sword
Ignore[Block], after active attack or[Standby]After that, you will gain 1 layer of [Rage], which can be stacked up to 6 layers. When you have 6 layers of [Rage], after you actively attack, all layers will be removed, and you can[Re-action], gain [Rage Explosion 3], lasts for 2 turns, and restores 2 energy. At the start of the battle, gain 4 layers of [Rage].
God's Wrath: Moment
God’s Wrath: Moment
(Physical Damage)[Instant], select an enemy within the cross range, charge to the enemy and deal 40% damage, knocking them back 1 square. Skill changed to[God’s Wrath – Severance], the skill lasts for 2 rounds.

Skill Tree

Armor Breaking Blast
Armor Breaking Blast
(Physical Damage) Single attack, causing 150% damage. Before attacking, you gain[Shield Breaker 2].
Level 1 SkillKnightship skill
(Passive) When attacking an enemy [frontally], Attack increases by 20%. When being attacked [frontally], Defense increases by 40%.
Warm Touch
Warm Touch
(Passive) When attacking actively, additional targets are caused[Piercing Damage], damage is 15% of the target’s current health, restore 10% of the target’s health, and can be activated once per round at most. Can be triggered simultaneously if multiple characters are hit.
Level 3 SkillNightmare
(Support) Gain 2 layers of [Rage], gain 60% of physical attack and magic attack[Physical Shield]and[Immunity 2].[Hurt], gain an additional layer of [Rage], gain[▲Damage 2], lasts for 2 rounds.
Activate the Power
Activate the Power
(Reaction) Increases the effect of treatment by 10%; when treated, gains[▲Damage 2], lasts for 1 round.
ReactionLook down on others
Look down on others
(Reaction) Reduces damage taken by 15%. When attacked, gains 1 layer of [Rage], which can be effective up to 2 times per round.
Attack Command
Attack Command
(Aura) Increases the attack of allies within 2 squares of itself by 12%.
Level 7 SkillAttack Command
(Physical Damage) Deals 90% [Area Damage] to all enemies within the range of the player, inflicting[×Treatment], lasts for 2 rounds.
Charged Strike
Charged Strike
(Normal attack) Causes 100% physical damage, and the next skill’s damage increases by 15%.
Level 9 AttackCollapse
(Normal Attack) Single attack, causing 100% damage.[healthy]state, remove an additional 1 energy from the target.
Overlord Roar Break
Overlord Roar Break
(Physical Damage) Single attack, causing 170% damage. Before attacking, disperse 3 targets[Gain], impose[isolated]Lasts for 2 rounds.
Level 11 SkillGod's Wrath Destruction
God’s Wrath Destruction
(Physical Damage) Deals 90% damage to all enemies in a 3*4 area in the target direction. Before attacking, disperse 2 targets[Gain]When in [Rage Explosion] state, there is a 50% chance to inflict[Dizziness].