
Layla Build & Guide
RankTier 2
Physical ATK1467
Physical DEF514
Magic ATK1026
Magic DEF561
TitleShiny Sun
JapaneseEndo Aya
ChineseMu Fei


The captain of the mobile team of the Surge City Public Security Bureau, a senior who graduated from the same school as Safiyyah and Rawiyah, has a personality as bright and gentle as the warm sunshine in the summer afternoon, and exudes an elegant and calm charm in every move.

Layla was born into a noble family, but she did not hesitate to betray the interests of the noble class. She always fought against all evil and injustice, and firmly believed that the smallest light could dispel the deepest darkness.

With this idealistic persistence in her heart, she is not only a safe haven in the hearts of every team member, but also an eternal light that illuminates the way forward for everyone.

TraitInitial Skills
Magic defense increased by 25%. [Preemptive]Can cause 60% physical damage, the trigger range is changed to within 3 squares of the self, and can be triggered up to 6 times per round. Gain 1 energy at the start of the action.
Brutal Smash
Brutal Smash
(Physical Damage) Single attack, causing 130% damage. Before attacking, you gain [▲Physical Defense 2], [▲Magic Defense 2], lasts for 2 rounds.

Skill Tree

(Passive) For every friendly unit within 2 squares of the player’s range, defense is increased by 10%, up to a maximum of 40%.
Level 1 SkillPolice Lasso
Police Lasso
(Support)[Instant], impose on the target [Imprisonment],[▼Attack 2] and [×Assistance], which lasts for 2 rounds.[Imprisonment] The goal is to impose additional [Dizziness], lasts for 2 rounds. Can be used 3 times.
Sheltered Bay
Sheltered Bay
(Support) Gain[Immune 4], and all the allies within 3 squares of the range gain [▲Physical Defense 2], [▲Magic Defense 2] and [Piercing Immunity 3], all effects last for 2 rounds.
Level 3 SkillWe Are Together
We Are Together
(Support)[Instant], teleports allies within 4 squares to you; you gain [Defense Support], [Block Enhancement 2] and [In the Same Boat]. All effects last for 2 rounds.
Use Waves
Use Waves
(Reaction) When attacked by a long-range enemy [front or side], if the attacker’s speed is lower than yours, dodge all attacks. This can be triggered once per round at most. When dodging, deal 60% physical damage to a random target in a 3*4 area in the attacker’s direction.
ReactionFrontal Defense skill
Front Defense
(Reaction) When hit by an active attack from the [front], the DMG taken is decreased by 30%.
Crimson Night
Scarlet Night
(Leader’s Aura) For all allies whose camp is Scarlet Night, attack increases by 10%, defense increases by 20%, and damage increases by 12%.
Level 7 SkillCut off the Clouds
Cut off the Clouds
(Physical Damage) Deals 25% physical damage 3 times to all enemies within 2 circles of the player. After the damage is dealt, [Vulnerable 2], which lasts for 2 rounds. After attacking, you gain [Iris tail posture], [Cut it all off], all effects last for 1 round.
(Normal Attack) Deals 100% physical damage and dispels 2 [Buffs] on the target.
Level 9 AttackSword in the Staff
Sword in the Staff
(Normal Attack) Single attack, causing 75% physical damage; before attacking, if the target has 3 or more [Debuffs], chase after the attack, causing 35% physical damage twice.
Battlefield Walk
Battlefield Walk
(Passive) Reduce damage taken by 15%, immune [burning] When the action ends, clear the enemy’s [traps] and special terrain effects within 2 squares of the range.
Level 11 SkillFighting Stance
Fighting Stance
(Passive) Add 40% of the Magic Defense to the Physical Attack, and increase Health by 10% at the start of battle.