
Nonowill Build & Guide
RankTier 1
Physical ATK1335
Physical DEF420
Magic ATK948
Magic DEF449
Chinese诺诺薇儿 (Nonoville)
TitleWandering Singer
FactionVlder, Aggression, SoC
JapaneseUeda Reina
ChineseSong Yuanyuan

NonoWill Build and Guide

A leading figure among the Vlder, and younger sister to the Chieftain, LilyWill.

NonoWill is a quiet, but brave reformer. For too long, she watched her fellow Vlderians being oppressed and humiliated by their conquerors and vowed to find a way to save her people. She has a beautiful singing voice, but rarely shares it with others.

After the war in Iria broke out, NonoWill saw an opportunity to bring reform to her people and left the Vltar Mountain to find a better future for everyone.

TraitInitial Skill
Mysterious Diva
Mysterious Siren
NonoWill possesses [Jump] and she gains 15% bonus attack. She also gains [Veil] at the start of the round. Effect CD: 1 turn.
Thousand Blades
Thousand Blades
(Physical DMG) NonoWill performs 3 consecutive attacks against all enemies 2 tiles around herself, each dealing 30% DMG.

NonoWill Skill Tree

MelodyLevelHidden Blade
Unclean Flying Knife
Infected Dagger
(Physical DMG) Single-target attack. Deals 70% DMG and inflicts 3 stacks of [Infection].
Level 1 SkillManeuverability
(Passive) After initiating an Active Attack, the character can move again. The distance depends on the remaining Movement.
The Soul-Stealing Shadow
Enchanting Shadow
(Support) [Instant]. NonoWill gains [Dodge] and inflicts [Vulnerable 3], which lasts for 2 turns on all enemies within 2 tiles around herself.
Level 3 SkillPhantom Dance
Phantom Dance
(Support) [Instant] NonoWill gains [▲Move 2] in this turn. If she is within any enemy’s [Threat Range] at the end of the turn, return to the location where she was at the start of the turn.
Defensive Magic
Defense (Magical)
(Reaction) When hit by an active Magical Attack, the DMG taken is decreased by 15%.
ReactionEnergy recovery
NRG Recovery
(Reaction) When hit by an active attack, the DMG taken is decreased by 8%. Upon receiving an active attack, additionally recovers 1 NRG.
Paralytic Drug
(Passive) After attacking, inflicts 1 stack of [Infection] on the target. When actively using [class skill] to hit targets with 5 or more stacks of [Infection], inflicts [Sleep] after attacking. The effect lasts for 1 turn.
Level 7 SkillInvasion like fire
(Leader’s Aura) For all [Aggression] allies in battle, increases ATK by 10%, DEF by 20%, and [Skill] DMG by 10%.
Dispeling Strike
Dispelling Strike
(Basic Attack) Deals 50% Physical DMG 2 times and dispels 2 [Buffs] on the target.
Level 9 AttackTriple Cut
Triple Slash
(Basic Attack) Single-target attack. NonoWill performs 3 consecutive attacks, each dealing 35% Physical DMG.
The sound of nature
Celestial Song
(Support) NonoWill gains the [Celestial Song] Aura. Effect: Grants all allies within 5 tiles [Regeneration 2] and [Immune to Attribute Debuff] and inflicts [🛇Active Skills] on all enemies within 3 tiles. The aura lasts for 2 turns and cannot be dispelled or immunized.
Level 11 SkillWolf's invisible blade
Shapeless Lupine Blade
(Physical DMG) Single-target attack. Deals 150% DMG. When the target is [Injured], increases Crit and Crit DMG by an additional 15% and ignores [Assisting Cover].

Recommended Gear

Newborn BladeEverburning EdgeVoid StabDuel Dagger
Flying Blade Arm GuardBurning FlintMaverick's CloakDisaster Bottle
The Devil's TemptationMagician's DreamThe Judge's RedemptionThe choice of fate

Recommended Skills

Unclean Flying KnifeThe Soul-Stealing ShadowEnergy recovery
Invasion like fireDispeling StrikeThe sound of nature
Optional:Phantom DanceTriple Cut