
Schacklulu Build & Guide
RankTier 3
Physical ATK1474
Physical DEF441
Magic ATK1033
Magic DEF528
TitlePhantom on Stage
JapaneseSayaka Ohara
ChineseZhong Ke


The chief dancer of the Vlder Dance Company and the nominal leader of the company.

Born in the Vlder tribe in Ellaman, she was once captured as a slave, but miraculously escaped. Later, Schacklulu joined the wandering Vlder Dance Company and danced passionately and gracefully on the stage.

Whether in performances or battles, her figure is the focus of everyone’s attention – the only difference is that the audience needs to pay different “remunerations” according to the occasion. What does dance mean to Schacklulu? Perhaps only by truly understanding her deeply buried past can we understand it.

TraitInitial Skills
Killing Under the Skirt
Killing Under the Skirt
Attack increased by 10%. [Sting] adds [Piercing Damage], which is 40% of the player’s Physical Attack. When triggered, it restores 1 energy point, and then [Charm], [Stunning Stance] skill cooldown reduced by 1 round, can be triggered once per round at most. When using [Long-range Skill], maximum range increased by 1 grid.
Continuous Stab
Continuous Stab
(Physical Damage) Deals 45% damage 3 times. When attacking, increases critical hit chance by 20%.

Skill Tree

(Passive) When the action starts, inflict [▼Physical Defense 2], lasts for 1 round.
Level 1 SkillHunting Nature
Hunting Nature
(Passive) When in [Invulnerable] state, the movement speed increases by 1 square. When the movement and charge distance is greater than 3 squares, the attack speed increases by 15%, and the effect lasts until the action ends.
(Debuff) [Instant], upon hitting, increases the target’s [Continuous Damage] by 30%, lasting for 2 rounds;[Health] Status enemies apply additional [Charm], lasts for 1 round.
Level 3 SkillStunning Beauty
Stunning Beauty
(Physical Damage) [Instant], choose a location within the cross range, charge to that location and attack random enemies within 2 grids twice, each time causing 10% [Range Damage]. If the [Personality] skill damage is triggered during this round of action, you can release [Amazing Stance] again without consumption after the attack.
(Reaction) When actively attacked, the damage received is reduced by 8%. After being actively attacked, the opponent is inflicted [Vulnerable 2], lasts for 2 rounds.
ReactionClose yet distant
Close yet Distant
(Reaction)[Health] Before the character in the state of melee attacks, he gains 2 [Dodge], lasts for 1 round, and exchanges positions with the target, cools down for 3 rounds.
(Passive) use [Charm], [Shocking Stance] After hitting the target, restore 1 energy to the player. This triggers once per round. [Health] Status: [▼Attack 2],[Linger and forget about it], lasts for 2 rounds.
Level 7 SkillEnd of the Song
End of the Song
(Physical Damage) Attacks random enemies within 3 grids of itself, causing 8 damages, each time causing 20% ​​[Range Damage] (Can trigger [Personality] effect repeatedly).
Hypnotic Strike
Hypnotic Strike
(Normal attack) Causes 50% physical damage twice, with a 30% chance to inflict [Sleep], lasts for 1 round.
Level 9 AttackThe Flying Thorn
The Flying Thorn
(Normal attack) Causes 33% physical damage 3 times.
Poison Blade Throw
Poison Blade Throw
(Physical Damage) Single attack, causing 2 times of 35% damage, applying 2 layers each time [Infect].
Level 11 SkillEvasion Step
Evasion Step
(Support) Reduce [Area Damage] by 50%, gain 2 times [Dodge], lasts for 2 rounds.