Luxite Greatshield

Luxite Greatshield
Physical ATK321
Physical DEF119
Magic ATK0
Magic DEF80
SourceWeapon Summon, Limited-Time Event Reward

It is a luxury, giant shield made entirely of a single, stable Luxite, which is almost impossible to produce in dimension fragments.

Luxite Greatshield Skill

1Gains a [Physical Shield] with value equal to 40% HP for 2 turns. This effect cannot be dispelled. Can be used up to 1 time per battle.
2Gains a [Physical Shield] with value equal to 50% HP for 2 turns. This effect cannot be dispelled. Can be used up to 1 time per battle.
3Gains a [Physical Shield] with value equal to 50% HP for 2 turns. This effect cannot be dispelled. Can be used up to 2 time per battle. CD: 5 turns.
4Gains a [Physical Shield] with value equal to 60% HP for 2 turns. This effect cannot be dispelled. Can be used up to 2 time per battle. CD: 5 turns.
5Gains a [Physical Shield] with value equal to 60% HP for 2 turns. This effect cannot be dispelled. Can be used up to 2 time per battle. CD: 3 turns.


Calculations are for level 60 and 5 stars.
About the stats: The calculation formula is still being determined, and some individual values may differ from the actual values.