Double-Sided Halberd

Double-Headed Halberd
Physical ATK439
Physical DEF165
Magic ATK0
Magic DEF82
SourceWeaponry Trial-1

This uniquely shaped halberd is both offensive and defensive, allowing worthy wielders to skillfully counter most attacks and make opponents think twice about launching a reckless assault.

Double-Sided Halberd Skill

1Increases P.ATK by 5%. For each target hit when attacking, increases DMG by %3, up to %9.
2Increases P.ATK by 5%. For each target hit when attacking, increases DMG by %4, up to %12.
3Increases P.ATK by 5%. For each target hit when attacking, increases DMG by %5, up to %15.
4Increases P.ATK by 5%. For each target hit when attacking, increases DMG by %6, up to %18.
5Increases P.ATK by 5%. For each target hit when attacking, increases DMG by %8, up to %24.


Calculations are for level 60 and 5 stars.