Pendant Halberd

Pendant Halberd
Physical ATK439
Physical DEF165
Magic ATK0
Magic DEF82
SourceWeaponry Trial-1

This exquisite halberd performs well in both offense and defense. The halberd head is adorned with some cute decorations, maybe the daughter of the previous owner placed it there on a whim.

Pendant Halberd Skill

1Increases HP by 2%. Before taking a single-target attack, gains 10% bonus ATK and DEF.
2Increases HP by 4%. Before taking a single-target attack, gains 10% bonus ATK and DEF.
3Increases HP by 6%. Before taking a single-target attack, gains 10% bonus ATK and DEF.
4Increases HP by 8%. Before taking a single-target attack, gains 10% bonus ATK and DEF.
5Increases HP by 10%. Before taking a single-target attack, gains 10% bonus ATK and DEF.


Calculations are for level 60 and 5 stars.