Feast Axe

Physical ATK474
Physical DEF106
Magic ATK0
Magic DEF82
SourceWeaponry Trial-2

Start your revelry! Just remember to Clean up afterwards.

Feast Axe Skill

1If the target’s HP percentage is lower than the character’s when attacking, increases ATK by 10%. The character recovers 20% HP when defeating an enemy. CD: 3 turns.
2If the target’s HP percentage is lower than the character’s when attacking, increases ATK by 15%. The character recovers 20% HP when defeating an enemy. CD: 3 turns.
3If the target’s HP percentage is lower than the character’s when attacking, increases ATK by 15%. The character recovers 20% HP when defeating an enemy. CD: 2 turns.
4If the target’s HP percentage is lower than the character’s when attacking, increases ATK by 20%. The character recovers 20% HP when defeating an enemy. CD: 2 turns.
5If the target’s HP percentage is lower than the character’s when attacking, increases ATK by 20%. The character recovers 35% HP when defeating an enemy. CD: 1 turns.


Calculations are for level 60 and 5 stars.