Tuning Hammer

Physical ATK474
Physical DEF106
Magic ATK0
Magic DEF82
SourceWeaponry Trial-1

The tuning hammer was originally used by the Union to check the tuning of the holy bells in various council halls. However, it was later discovered that this hammer had a remarkable effect when used to educate enemies, with most of them confessing their crimes after the first strike.

Tuning Hammer Skill

1Increases P.ATK by 5%. Dispels 1 [Buff] from the target before attacking.
2Increases P.ATK by 6%. Dispels 1 [Buff] from the target before attacking.
3Increases P.ATK by 7%. Dispels 2 [Buff] from the target before attacking.
4Increases P.ATK by 8%. Dispels 2 [Buff] from the target before attacking.
5Increases P.ATK by 10%. Dispels 2 [Buff] from the target before attacking.


Calculations are for level 60 and 5 stars.