Denial Hammer

Physical ATK474
Physical DEF165
Magic ATK0
Magic DEF82
SourceWeaponry Trial-1

Using it too much can create a distance between oneself and others.

Denial Hammer Skill

1When charging, deals 5% more DMG. If targets who have lower HP than the character are knocked back, pushes them back by 1 more tile.
2When charging, deals 10% more DMG. If targets who have lower HP than the character are knocked back, pushes them back by 1 more tile.
3When charging, deals 15% more DMG. If targets who have lower HP than the character are knocked back, pushes them back by 1 more tile.
4When charging, deals 20% more DMG. If targets who have lower HP than the character are knocked back, pushes them back by 1 more tile.
5When charging, deals 25% more DMG. If targets who have lower HP than the character are knocked back, pushes them back by 1 more tile.


Calculations are for level 60 and 5 stars.