Crystal Burst Armor

Crystal Burst Armor_card
Physical ATK321
Physical DEF119
Magic ATK0
Magic DEF80
SourceWeapon Summon, Limited-Time Event Reward

A highly advanced suit of armor. Thanks to its Luxite-based materials, it is capable of absorbing a significant amount of force before reflecting it back at the attacker. It is even capable of shattering weapons used on it. The design is quite unique and doesn’t match any of the factions in Rodinia.

Crystal Burst Armor Skill

1Increases HP by 2%. Strike Back deals 10% more DMG.
2Increases HP by 4%. Strike Back deals 10% more DMG.
3Increases HP by 6%. Strike Back deals 15% more DMG.
4Increases HP by 8%. Strike Back deals 20% more DMG.
5Increases HP by 10%. Strike Back deals 25% more DMG.


Calculations are for level 60 and 5 stars.
About the stats: The calculation formula is still being determined, and some individual values may differ from the actual values.