Cooling Powder

Wind Dust_card
Physical ATK321
Physical DEF119
Magic ATK0
Magic DEF80
SourceWeapon Summon, Limited-Time Event Reward

It is a confidential formula that enables a cool sensation throughout the body. It accelerates the healing of wounds with Luxite Blessing while providing a protective layer on the skin surface to prolong its efficacy. Highly recommended for use during summer or under intense sunlight. Travelers heading to Elaman often purchase some for their journey.

Cooling Powder Skill

1Get Immunity [🛇Healing].
2Increases healing effect by 4% and grants immunity [🛇Healing].
3Increases healing effect by 8% and grants immunity [🛇Healing].
4Increases healing effect by 12% and grants immunity [🛇Healing].
5Increases healing effect by 16% and grants immunity [🛇Healing].


Calculations are for level 60 and 5 stars.
About the stats: The calculation formula is still being determined, and some individual values may differ from the actual values.