Melee Mega Crossbow

Melee Mega Crossbow
Physical ATK390
Physical DEF88
Magic ATK0
Magic DEF88
SourceWeaponry Trial-2

Prioritizing power at the expense of range, this weapon fulfills every archer’s melee dream!

Melee Mega Crossbow Skill

1Minimum Range -1, increases DMG by 16%. For each 1 additional tile away from the target (Distance for Adjacent Tiles counts as 0), DMG dealts decreases by 8%, up to a reduction of %32.
2Minimum Range -1, increases DMG by 20%. For each 1 additional tile away from the target (Distance for Adjacent Tiles counts as 0), DMG dealts decreases by 6%, up to a reduction of %24.
3Minimum Range -1, increases DMG by 24%. For each 1 additional tile away from the target (Distance for Adjacent Tiles counts as 0), DMG dealts decreases by 6%, up to a reduction of %24.
4Minimum Range -1, increases DMG by 28%. For each 1 additional tile away from the target (Distance for Adjacent Tiles counts as 0), DMG dealts decreases by 5%, up to a reduction of %20.
5Minimum Range -1, increases DMG by 32%. For each 1 additional tile away from the target (Distance for Adjacent Tiles counts as 0), DMG dealts decreases by 5%, up to a reduction of %20.


Calculations are for level 60 and 5 stars.