Cornucopia Spear

Cornucopia Spear_card
Physical ATK439
Physical DEF165
Magic ATK0
Magic DEF82
SourceSeason Pass Rewards

The dazzling and graceful posture when swung often makes people forget that it is still a well-known weapon.

Cornucopia Spear Skill

1At the start of the turn, if the character is [Healthy], there is a 40% chance to recover 2 Energy. If the character is [Dying], there is a 40% chance to recover 30% HP. CD: 3 turns.
2At the start of the turn, if the character is [Healthy], there is a 50% chance to recover 2 Energy. If the character is [Dying], there is a 50% chance to recover 30% HP. CD: 3 turns.
3At the start of the turn, if the character is [Healthy], there is a 60% chance to recover 2 Energy. If the character is [Dying], there is a 60% chance to recover 30% HP. CD: 2 turns.
4At the start of the turn, if the character is [Healthy], there is a 70% chance to recover 2 Energy. If the character is [Dying], there is a 70% chance to recover 30% HP. CD: 2 turns.
5At the start of the turn, if the character is [Healthy], there is a 80% chance to recover 2 Energy. If the character is [Dying], there is a 80% chance to recover 30% HP. CD: 2 turns.


Calculations are for level 60 and 5 stars.