Cornucopia Longbow

Cornucopia Longbow_card
Physical ATK390
Physical DEF88
Magic ATK0
Magic DEF88
SourceSeason Pass Rewards

Even through the passage of time, its nobility and purity have never been tarnished.

Cornucopia Longbow Skill

1At the start of the turn, if the character is [Healthy], there is a 40% chance to recover 2 Energy. If the character is [Dying], there is a 40% chance to recover 30% HP. CD: 3 turns.
2At the start of the turn, if the character is [Healthy], there is a 50% chance to recover 2 Energy. If the character is [Dying], there is a 50% chance to recover 30% HP. CD: 3 turns.
3At the start of the turn, if the character is [Healthy], there is a 60% chance to recover 2 Energy. If the character is [Dying], there is a 60% chance to recover 30% HP. CD: 2 turns.
4At the start of the turn, if the character is [Healthy], there is a 70% chance to recover 2 Energy. If the character is [Dying], there is a 70% chance to recover 30% HP. CD: 2 turns.
5At the start of the turn, if the character is [Healthy], there is a 80% chance to recover 2 Energy. If the character is [Dying], there is a 80% chance to recover 30% HP. CD: 2 turns.


Calculations are for level 60 and 5 stars.