Star-Raid Crossbow

Star-Raid Crossbow_card
Physical ATK390
Physical DEF88
Magic ATK0
Magic DEF88
SourceWeaponry Trial-2

This crossbow was once wielded by a former city defense general of the Union during a protracted night-time siege. Its bolts flew like shooting stars, dazzlingly fast and accurate, maintaining the defenders’ high morale and turning the hopeless situation into a victorious one.

Star-Raid Crossbow Skill

1Increases Crit by 6%. If a single-target active attack deals Crit DMG, there is a 50% chance to additionally deal 20% of the character’s Physical ATK as [Piercing DMG] to the target.
2Increases Crit by 8%. If a single-target active attack deals Crit DMG, there is a 60% chance to additionally deal 20% of the character’s Physical ATK as [Piercing DMG] to the target.
3Increases Crit by 10%. If a single-target active attack deals Crit DMG, there is a 70% chance to additionally deal 20% of the character’s Physical ATK as [Piercing DMG] to the target.
4Increases Crit by 12%. If a single-target active attack deals Crit DMG, there is a 80% chance to additionally deal 20% of the character’s Physical ATK as [Piercing DMG] to the target.
5Increases Crit by 15%. If a single-target active attack deals Crit DMG, there is a 100% chance to additionally deal 20% of the character’s Physical ATK as [Piercing DMG] to the target.


Calculations are for level 60 and 5 stars.