Skeleton Spear

Skeleton Spear_card
Physical ATK390
Physical DEF88
Magic ATK0
Magic DEF88
SourceWeaponry Trial-1

This legendary spear is crafted from the bones of fallen warriors, infused with sorrow, rage, and hatred, striking fear into the hearts of enemies as they are dragged into the depths.

Skeleton Spear Skill

1Increases Physical ATK by 2%. Before initiating a single-target attack, additionally, deals [Piercing DMG] equal to 10% Physical ATK to the target.
2Increases Physical ATK by 4%. Before initiating a single-target attack, additionally, deals [Piercing DMG] equal to 10% Physical ATK to the target.
3Increases Physical ATK by 6%. Before initiating a single-target attack, additionally, deals [Piercing DMG] equal to 10% Physical ATK to the target.
4Increases Physical ATK by 8%. Before initiating a single-target attack, additionally, deals [Piercing DMG] equal to 10% Physical ATK to the target.
5Increases Physical ATK by 10%. Before initiating a single-target attack, additionally, deals [Piercing DMG] equal to 10% Physical ATK to the target.


Calculations are for level 60 and 5 stars.