Hunter’s Intuition

Hunter’s Intuition_card
Physical ATK321
Physical DEF119
Magic ATK0
Magic DEF80
SourceLimited-Time Event Reward

With the prey none the wiser, the deadly hunt begins.

Hunter’s Intuition Skill

1When [Alert] is triggered, deals 5% more DMG. Moreover, if a foe uses a skill within range of the [alert], it will also be triggered.
2When [Alert] is triggered, deals 10% more DMG. Moreover, if a foe uses a skill within range of the [alert], it will also be triggered.
3When [Alert] is triggered, deals 15% more DMG. Moreover, if a foe uses a skill within range of the [alert], it will also be triggered.
4When [Alert] is triggered, deals 20% more DMG. Moreover, if a foe uses a skill within range of the [alert], it will also be triggered.
5When [Alert] is triggered, deals 25% more DMG. Moreover, if a foe uses a skill within range of the [alert], it will also be triggered.


Calculations are for level 60 and 5 stars.
About the stats: The calculation formula is still being determined, and some individual values may differ from the actual values.