Antimagic Axe

Antimagic Axe_card
Physical ATK402
Physical DEF90
Magic ATK0
Magic DEF69
SourceWeaponry Trial-3

An axe engraved with runes that absorb magic, created to help infantry soldiers survive against divine spells. It has since become a symbol of fear for many rookie conjurers.

Antimagic Axe Skill

1After actively attacking and dealing DMG, has a 60% chance to dispel 1 [Buff] on the target. CD: 2 turns.
2After actively attacking and dealing DMG, has a 80% chance to dispel 1 [Buff] on the target. CD: 2 turns.
3After actively attacking and dealing DMG, has a 100% chance to dispel 1 [Buff] on the target. CD: 2 turns.
4After actively attacking and dealing DMG, has a 100% chance to dispel 1 [Buff] on the target. CD: 1 turns.
5After actively attacking and dealing DMG, has a 100% chance to dispel 2 [Buff] on the target. CD: 1 turns.

Antimagic Axe Overview

SummaryBuffs can be removed by dealing damage with an active attack.
Useful in certain stages where removing buffs is important.
How to ObtainEquipment Gacha (Encounter)
Weaponry Trial-3 (3-10)
Wearable Characters[Axe Characters]