Thorny Ring

Thorny Ring_card
Physical ATK181
Physical DEF50
Magic ATK181
Magic DEF50
SourceWeaponry Trial-2

It was originally a type ofherb used for stopping bleeding, but its side effect was found to cause users to become easily irritable. After generations of selective breeding, this thorn-woven ring can amplify the effects of anger appropriately.

Thorny Ring Skill

1When [Injured], increases ATK by 6%.
2When [Injured], increases ATK by 7%.
3When [Injured], increases ATK by 8%.
4When [Injured], increases ATK by 10%.
5When [Injured], increases ATK by 12%.

Thorny Ring Overview

SummaryAttack increases when injured.
Skill is always active.
How to ObtainEquipment Gacha (Encounter)
Weaponry Trial-2 (4-10)