Starry Sky Heritage

Star Legacy
Physical ATK0
Physical DEF95
Magic ATK450
Magic DEF154
SourceWeaponry Trial-3

The lone star shoots through the depths of the night sky, culminating in a breathtaking finale of incredible brilliance.

Starry Sky Heritage Skill

1Increases HP by 5%. Grants bonus M.ATK equal to 3% HP at the start of the battle.
2Increases HP by 5%. Grants bonus M.ATK equal to 4% HP at the start of the battle.
3Increases HP by 5%. Grants bonus M.ATK equal to 5% HP at the start of the battle.
4Increases HP by 5%. Grants bonus M.ATK equal to 6% HP at the start of the battle.
5Increases HP by 10%. Grants bonus M.ATK equal to 6% HP at the start of the battle.


Calculations are for level 60 and 5 stars.