Roaring Flint

Roaring Flint
Physical ATK321
Physical DEF119
Magic ATK0
Magic DEF80
SourceCard draw, event task rewards

A possible weapon for the knights who make use of Luxite, containing a fragment imbued with the power of flame. After being modified, it is no longer limited to targeting single objects. Due to the extensive collateral damage, the Union finally decided to add regulations limiting its use.

Roaring Flint Skill

1[Instant] Deals fire [Piercing DMG] equal to 10% of the character’s HP to all enemies within 2 tiles around the target. Can be used up to 1 time per battle.
2[Instant] Deals fire [Piercing DMG] equal to 10% of the character’s HP to all enemies within 2 tiles around the target. Can be used up to 2 time per battle. CD: 8 turns.
3[Instant] Deals fire [Piercing DMG] equal to 15% of the character’s HP to all enemies within 2 tiles around the target. Can be used up to 2 time per battle. CD: 5 turns.
4[Instant] Deals fire [Piercing DMG] equal to 20% of the character’s HP to all enemies within 2 tiles around the target. Can be used up to 2 time per battle. CD: 4 turns.
5[Instant] Deals fire [Piercing DMG] equal to 20% of the character’s HP to all enemies within 2 tiles around the target. Can be used up to 2 time per battle. CD: 3 turns.


Calculations are for level 60 and 5 stars.
About the stats: The calculation formula is still being determined, and some individual values may differ from the actual values.