Whale Hunter

Whale Hunting
Physical ATK390
Physical DEF88
Magic ATK0
Magic DEF88
SourceWeaponry Trial-2

According to legend, it was once used to hunt the largest prey in the Sea of Chaos. With the Sea of Chaos now devoid of life, the Whale Hunter awaits a new purpose.

Whale Hunter Skills

1After dealing DMG with single-target active attacks, gains a 50% chance to inflict [Infection] on the target, which can be triggered up to 1 time per round. The character deals 20% more DMG to the enemies with [infection].
2After dealing DMG with single-target active attacks, gains a 60% chance to inflict [Infection] on the target, which can be triggered up to 1 time per round. The character deals 20% more DMG to the enemies with [infection].
3After dealing DMG with single-target active attacks, gains a 70% chance to inflict [Infection] on the target, which can be triggered up to 1 time per round. The character deals 20% more DMG to the enemies with [infection].
4After dealing DMG with single-target active attacks, gains a 80% chance to inflict [Infection] on the target, which can be triggered up to 1 time per round. The character deals 20% more DMG to the enemies with [infection].
5After dealing DMG with single-target active attacks, gains a 100% chance to inflict [Infection] on the target, which can be triggered up to 1 time per round. The character deals 20% more DMG to the enemies with [infection].


Calculations are for level 60 and 5 stars.